…this weekend. 

but first let’s back up:

There’s a reason to  celebrate! :) I sold my first Architectural Rendering last week!

And it was someone random who found me on my etsy shop!

I completed the rendering last weekend and mailed it right off to her! It was so much fun to make a piece of art that means something for someone! It totally puts a smile on my face just to think about it. The girl who ordered it said that she actually sent me her friend’s house to render because she wanted to give it as a gift for the friend who is moving! HOW Sweet is THAT?! 

Well… to get back to the title of the blog…

I used the money that I made from the sale to buy something that I’ve been drooling over for months and months but never could justify spending my money on… but then, a sale on etsy and I had to celebrate :)

So I bought a Florabella Collection Action Set.

“um, a what?”  you ask in a voice that is very suspicious and unknowingly condescending.

“why would you spend money on something like that?” you ask yourself in your head because you’re too polite to say it out loud while you sit there smiling nicely at me.

Well, let me SHOW you. you’ll be totally jealous I’m telling you, you’re going to drool like I did.

An action set is something that you can install into your Photoshop that when you click on the action button it will automatically make the image that you’re editing look SaaaaWEET.  {for more info and a free action set check out Pioneer Woman HERE}

So here is the before image:

sweet little O. He’s so cute. The picture is from our Cinco De Mayo Party. It had already been edited for that post, so I had already put some time into it! {for those of you interested: i had edited the lighting /levels and had used some of my Pioneer Woman actions}

Now to the fun part:: here is the same photo with some of my new beautiful and amazing actions:

go ahead. drool.

haha, wipe your mouth… seriously.

so many different moods… from one photo! SO. MUCH. FUN.yes. i am now addicted to photoshop yet again.

and my pretty little actions.

i plan on digging up all my favorite photos this weekend and having some fun! {haha, yes, i call that fun}

o man.

you know where to find me this weekend ;) 

xoxo-kimberly renee.

post script:: this is not a paid advertisement or anything like that. i just wanted to share my toy! :)

post post script:: dear mother dear… if you’re ever at a loss at what to get me as a gift i can already tell i’m going to want some more of these sweet little things… ;) hee hee.

post post post script::that handsome little man in that photo up there has his own blog, go check it out HERE.