Last night we had a major rainstorm. Things really flood around here, so I decided I wanted to take more than one picture on our walk today. I thought I’d be using one of the other pictures I took on the walk, but this {one of the LAST pictures I took!} stole my heart. i love how the focus was on PuppyCakes’s face and the how rest of the pictures was blurry and how the green of the bridge really stands out.

We walked down the path next to our apartment only to find that the golf course next to our home was completely flooded!

Sammie tried to go for those geese… only to realize he doesn’t like to get his paws wet.

don’t worry, I’m not choking the little guy. i just wanted to get a good picture of his face and he kept moving!

It was a nice fun walk… we all got nice and muddy.

hope you had time for a walk today too!

xoxo- Kimberly Renee

p.s.- if you wanted to join me in this whole “adventure” of taking a picture a day during Lent, don’t worry! you still CAN! just get out your camera today!! or tomorrow! there’s no one judging :) do what you can. and link up!