i think i have a million jersey shore photos on my blog by now. we’ve really enjoyed exploring all the craziness that is encompassed by “the shore”. we’re sure going to miss it!  good thing we have amazing friends who are willing to trek out there once a week until we leave :) hee hee… oh wait. they don’t know about that yet…

maybe i’ve already it said it, but can i just say, i LOVE her! we are spending as much time together as possible before we leave!  and of course, i’m in love with that little dude in her arms too.

he had so much fun. he loves watching all the people walking by, putting his little toes in the sand and listening to the waves.

and those three amigos all sat there and laughed when Sharon and I ran into and then ran back out of the water squealing because it was so cold.

and i’m just so thankful for moments like these.

and i’m thankful for those cute little feet.

xo-kimberly renee

{ps- for those of you who want to know, all these photos used “vintage summer” actions by florabella}