You are currently browsing the daily archive for March 13, 2012.

at work today, it was so nice we had to open all the windows! and when Husbuddy picked me up the car said it was 75 degrees outside. yeehaw!

Happy Spring people :)

sometimes being silly means sketching bowling shoes.

by kimberly renee

who in the world DOES that?!

and turns it into an “architectural” sketch no less with descriptions and arrows no less…??

oh ya… me.


but you know i’m not the only weirdo around here… what’s the weirdest thing you’ve sketched? or studied. or read about. or talked about.  or dreamt about… com’on, we’re all silly.

you know,  maybe that’s the thing about bowling shoes. as weird as they are… everyone can wear a pair of bowling shoes and have a little  fun.